Exploratory Session Prep Form

Thanks for your interest in an Exploratory Session with me.             



To help us make the best use of our time together, please answer the questions below before our call.  

* Make sure to click "Save & Send to Coach" when you're finished.



1) How did you find Coach for Higher?


2) What opportunities and/or challenges are you currently facing (as a leader, at work, in your professional life)?


3) What is one change you would like to make over the next 6 months for you or your team? Give as much detail as you can.


4) If you made this change, what would be the greatest result for you at work?


5) What difference would that change make to you personally?


6) On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the highest), how important is it to you to address these issues or take advantage of these opportunities? And why?


7) If you do NOT make this change what will be the consequences? 


8) What specifically appeals to you about working with a coach?


9) Finally, what telephone number would you like me to use to contact you for our appointment?

(Let me know if you prefer to meet over Zoom; I will send you a link if so.)

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