Team Diagnostic

Team Diagnostic TM



  Typical “Team” Assessment
Aggregate of individual profiles

Most current organizational and coaching approaches assess and coach the team as a collection of individuals. In this approach, assessments measure the characteristics, preferences and performance of individual team members and the results are then compiled into a profile in which individuals can compare themselves to one another. This is valuable information for team members, but it is only half the picture. The missing half: a picture of the team as a whole.



Team Diagnostic™ Systems Approach
Team assesses the team as a whole



The Team Diagnostic™ is a unique approach to working with teams because it regards the team as a dynamic “system”. A team is more than the sum of its parts. A team is a living, dynamic entity with its own personality, spoken and unspoken rules, vision, blind spots, even moods. With the Team Diagnostic™ the team’s needs are explored independent of the needs of any single member. This shifts the attention and the work of the team to the team itself.